Survey Form WorkshopEmployee Satisfaction Survey TemplateKindly submit few details belowHow long have you been working for the company?*Choose1 year or less1 to 2 years2 to 4 yearsMore than 4 yearsHow meaningful do you find your work?*Very meaningfulA little meaningfulNot meaningful at allDo you feel that your responsibilities are clearly defined?Yes, very clearlyMostly yesMostly notNeverHow often do you feel stressed at work in a typical week?*Every daySeveral times a weekRarelyNeverAnd do you feel like your opinions are listened to?*All the timeMost of the timeSometimesNeverDo you receive actionable feedback from your coworkers?*Very oftenMost of the timeSometimesHardly everWhen you make a mistake, do you feel encouraged to learn?*Yes, alwaysMostly I doSometimesNeverOther:Would you like to change something about your job or the company? If yes, explain.Share this content of IAS DARBAR with Others